What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a hands on approach to healthcare recognising the important link between the structures of your body & the way it works. Osteopaths focus on how your skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves and circulation work together to improve your health & well-being.
[ http://www.osteopathy.org.au/
Osteopathy Australia website]
Dr Darren Clayton
(Osteopath, DNS practitioner and yoga teacher)
Darren has a love of movement, which filters through in his treatments.
He uses a variety of gentle osteopathic techniques releasing discomfort in the structure to improve function and vitality.
Bachelor of Clinical Sciences, with a double major in Osteopathic Studies and Human Structure and Function.
Masters in Osteopathic Medicine
DNS Practitioner course A and B
DNS Exercise 1, and Scoliosis